Why should U join iBook Network without even need to consider ?
Just to make it short for you, the concept of iBook social network is:
- To enhance your existing website or personal blog with more interactive feature for your visitors and start to build you own social network through them by building links together and benefit you and them all together.
- Hava heard about Link Building, Link Baiting, Network Marketing? You can think of iBook Social Network indirectly is remixing those features to legally improve your website and personal blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
- You can say iBook Social Network is: a new mixture of guestbook, comment system for your website & personal blog's article, social bookmarking or online bookmarking system (such as: del.icio.us, Digg, Reddit, Furl and so on) for you to build your own social network on the Internet and to improve popularity of your website, personal blog, CMS and even to integrate back to some of those popular social network through pre-generated HTML code snippet and widget which easily can be installed to your web site, personal blogs (Blogger, Wordpress, Live, Ning, TypePad), social network (Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut, Piczo).
- Since iBook Social Network's concept is with network building through referral (YOU and your network member), you can expect an exponential growth of N levels to be exptected from your own network or sub-network.
How it works:
- New visitors or your regular visitors and members can sign (comment) on your iBook through your website. The more of them sign on your iBook, the more often your website & personal blog will be listed on the frontpage of eShiok - iBook Social Network directory together with other website & personal blogs.
- New member can register to become a member with iBook Social Network and if it is referred through your iBook Network then this member's iBook Social Network will be under your network.
- Your iBook Social Network link will be shown on their iBook network. The higher traffic to your direct member's iBook network or indirect member's iBook network, the higher the chance visitors and other members will be visiting your iBook network and your website or personal blogs.
- With its easily to install HTML code snippet to other social network or blog publishing tool (Blogger, Wordpress, Live and so on) , CMS (Joomla) and through Widget button for on-the-fly installation to Blogger, Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut, Piczo and others, you can expect your network to grow faster exponentially and on the same time to enjoy incoming traffic to your website plus SEO improvement for Search Engines.
Give it a try now and start to build your own social network:
- Register for a new account now (you will land in PlanetBlogTemplate's iBook -> click Home -> click Register) . If you register through this link, you will maintain your website with PlanetBlogTemplate's iBook network.
- Activate your account by clicking on Activation Link sent to your email mailbox and you can login after that.
- Click on iBook and on My Menu click on "HTML & Widget":
- Easily you can copy and paste the HTML code into your website or personal blog or social network.
- You can also customize the layout and the skins you want to use on your website (in a future there will be more skins added so you can change your iBook Widget at any time you wish to).
- Current release also provide you with automatic installation to Blogger (if you have one, your iBook Network installation will be more easier) by only clicking on "Blogger Widget".
- Wordpress, Facebook, Live, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut, Piczo and others, don't envy because we are working hard right now to provide you with the same automatic installation but as for now, you have to do by copy and paste above HTML code.
Do not wait, start now !!!
Do not wait and start to build your own network now. If you do not do it today, probably tomorrow one of your friends or other website you got stumble on will refer you to the same link. Start now and have fun together :)